Cities skylines automatic bulldoze mod
Cities skylines automatic bulldoze mod

Current version: Added: Japanese language thanks mashitaro Update: Chinese language thanks Emphasia Update: Mod incompatibility checker can now be disabled, or skip disabled mods, Rate Here. This mod allows you to toggle traffic lights at junctions, add yield and stop signs to junctions, define timed traffic lights that can adapt their behavior depending on live traffic measurements, modify speed limits, define vehicle restrictions e. Direct Download: Download from Modsfile Sharemods. Download this Traffic Manager: President Edition Mod for Cities Skylines - create your city with a majestic architecture and work out with individual areas and smallest details in your city of dreams! Cities Skylines: Extra Landscaping Tools. Rate this mod! Elenco speciali videogiochi

cities skylines automatic bulldoze mod cities skylines automatic bulldoze mod

If you have subscribed to another Traffic Manager mod, please first deactivate it in your Content Manager in-game before trying this one out.

Cities skylines automatic bulldoze mod